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business lessons

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One Year ~ into the Golden Brands Business Journey

When I started GB, I knew it would be a platform to empower others, but little did I know just how much it would empower me as well. Our fantastic community and access to inspiring business owners have fuelled my personal growth and fortified my determination to pursue my dreams for this platform. 

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~ Seasons of Business ~

I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the different seasons of business and the importance of giving ourselves permission to set boundaries and take a break!

Just like there are four distinct seasons throughout the year, our businesses also go through different seasons. Understanding these seasons can help us recognise when to push forward with big ideas, sales periods, launches, and when to take a break and rest.

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Three lessons that will change your business! - Featured image from Golden Brands

Three lessons that will change your business!

Don’t you wish you could take a crystal ball and see all the challenges that are going to present in your business and how you overcome them? 

I’ve certainly had my fair share of challenges to overcome! Through my experience of starting four different businesses, there have been a few key lessons I’ve learnt along the way that I’d love to share with you today to empower you in your business journey!

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