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Why I ditched my corporate career for a life as an entrepreneur…

I knew I had always wanted to start my own business, it was a desire so ingrained in me that I could never shake. I had set myself the goal of owning a business before I was 25. After getting married I got swept away in the experience and decided I wanted to ditch my corporate career to become a Wedding Planner!

Let’s paint a picture here, I’m 24, I’ve been working in Human Resources for 6 years and had just graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree after a painstaking 5 years of juggling full-time work and part-time study. 

I knew I had always wanted to start my own business, it was a desire so ingrained in me that I could never shake. I had set myself the goal of owning a business before I was 25. After getting married I got swept away in the experience and decided I wanted to ditch my corporate career to become a Wedding Planner!

Did I have any experience in the wedding industry? Nope. Did I have any experience in starting a business? Absolutely none. But hey, I was keen and ready to give it a good crack despite EVERYONE in my life telling me it was a bad idea. 

I jumped all in, I quit my HR job and gave myself a couple of months for my business to pick up and gain some bookings. I recognised I had no experience and I quickly went out and gained some work experience and I completed a diploma in wedding planning. 

I felt I had the basics covered now, I was somewhat educated and had done a handful of work experience jobs… but nothing could have prepared me for the challenges that would come next. 

I underestimated the pressure and stress of being responsible for the most important day of someone’s life! Before every single wedding, I could never sleep the night before, I was so worried something would go wrong! I experienced SO much doubt and imposter syndrome.. 

Although I kept on going, I set myself some huge goals and made it my mission to create success in my business and reach the vision I had set for myself. 

It was a VERY difficult first few years in business but through my perseverance, I managed to reach every single goal I set for that business. I worked with amazing clients, on dream projects and I was recognised as a top wedding stylist in Australia by several of my favourite publications.

This experience shaped me as a person, I grew my confidence, I came out of my comfort zone, I learnt how to show up and get out of my own way to reach my goals. I went on to sell this business and start other businesses on the back of everything I learnt from this experience. 

I wanted to share this with you as I know we all experience the same challenges in business as we identified in your quiz result. Whether it’s challenges you might face in regards to things like mindset, lack of community, skillset, motivation or confidence – at some point we all go through various roadblocks in business. 

I can tell you there is nothing special about my story. I didn’t have the knowledge, support or finances to start a business and I didn’t have the community I needed to guide me in those first years.

All I simply had, was a vision and a belief that I could get there which is why I can tell you with complete certainty that you too can go on to create your authentic version of success in your business. 

So the question now I have for you is, do you believe in yourself and are you ready to reach more success in your business? 

Develop a Personal Brand to grow your Business!

Yesterday in the Golden Brands membership, we had the pleasure of hosting Kat Elizabeth, a personal branding coach from Magnetic Brand Co. She shared invaluable insights on growing a personal brand, and I wanted to pass on a few of the golden nuggets I took away from our conversation.

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When should I start paying myself in Business?

Hands up if you are a small business owner who really doesn’t enjoy the accounting side of running your business? 🙋 Managing finances is a critical aspect of running a successful business, and two key elements of this are determining when and how much to actually pay yourself, and knowing when to reinvest in your business.

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Making your first $100k in business!

Let’s talk about a big goal that many of us have on our entrepreneurial journey – hitting that first $100k in business. It sounds like a dream, right? But it’s more achievable than you might think. I’m going to share some real talk about what it takes to get there. No fluff, just straight-up actionable advice.

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To the parents trying to do it all…

As a parent, balancing business and family life is a difficult act that many of us know all too well. It’s a daily juggle between the hours of 9-3, often wishing for just a few more hours to get everything done

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