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Develop a Personal Brand to grow your Business!

Yesterday in the Golden Brands membership, we had the pleasure of hosting Kat Elizabeth, a personal branding coach from Magnetic Brand Co. She shared invaluable insights on growing a personal brand, and I wanted to pass on a few of the golden nuggets I took away from our conversation.

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When should I start paying myself in Business?

Hands up if you are a small business owner who really doesn’t enjoy the accounting side of running your business? 🙋 Managing finances is a critical aspect of running a successful business, and two key elements of this are determining when and how much to actually pay yourself, and knowing when to reinvest in your business.

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Fail your way to Success…

In life, doubt and imposter syndrome can often cast shadows on our journey. But here’s the thing – you don’t have to fear rejection or failure. In fact, you can transform these perceived obstacles into stepping stones to success.

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One Year ~ into the Golden Brands Business Journey

When I started GB, I knew it would be a platform to empower others, but little did I know just how much it would empower me as well. Our fantastic community and access to inspiring business owners have fuelled my personal growth and fortified my determination to pursue my dreams for this platform. 

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