If you have been relying on social media to get customers in your business and are feeling frustrated with keeping up with the algorithm and all the updates, then this blog post is for you!
When reflecting on my business journey what I’ve realised is while I’ve started businesses in four different industries that I either had no previous skills in or very little knowledge of, I can say honestly I wasn’t particularly amazing at things like Wedding Planning or Social Media Management. So how did I create success in my businesses?
I was really good at creating visibility and a strong online presence for each of my businesses. This lead me to increase the amount of enquiries I received, convert more customers, and grow each of my businesses fairly quickly.
There have been many different ways I’ve created visibility for past businesses. I have tried SO many marketing strategies – from paid ads, collaborations, content partnerships, lead magnets and quiz funnels, to name a few..
Social Media alone is no longer going to see the results it once did. When we are working against algorithms and constantly changing trends/features, it feels nearly impossible to keep up. As we saw with Facebook several years back the move to paid advertising on platforms like Instagram and TikTok is going to be paramount for us to get our content seen. We don’t own the audience we have there and it’s now more important than ever that we work on implementing digital marketing strategies outside of social media to grow and scale our businesses.
To get more customers we need to first learn how sales funnels work. Step one in the sales funnel process is to build awareness and visibility for our business.
The more people we reach = the more leads we receive and the more people we can convert to customers! Sounds simple right?!
One thing I’ve loved in the past is content partnerships. Partnering with another business is a powerful way to get your business in front of a larger audience. Ideally working with other businesses that are in your industry, that share similar values and a similar audience to you is a great place to start.
Here are a few ways you could look at incorporating a content partnership into your marketing strategy: