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This will be key to scaling your small business this next year…

Imagine this, in one year from today you have scaled your business to reach your goals and you've created the dream vision you have for not only your life but for your business. 

Ready to create growth and scale your business this coming year? I know you are!

Imagine this, in one year from today you have scaled your business to reach your goals and you’ve created the dream vision you have for not only your life but for your business. 

You have a solid strategy in place, each month goes by with ease, your work flows naturally and you have the skills you need to approach each part of your business with knowledge and confidence.

Your business systems and operations are in place, your strategy is implemented and you can spend more time working on the parts of your business that you love.

You have successfully scaled and grown to a place in business that you feel excited about. The foundations are set and your future is looking so bright!

This can 100% be your reality. Strategy and working on your skill set is going to be key for reaching success. You know you have what it takes to get there and I know that too!

In the last business I owned up-skilling was the NUMBER ONE thing I invested in. I spend thousands on everything from business coaches, social media courses, memberships and resources because I knew without a doubt it would fast track my success, and it did! Yes, you can stumble your way through YouTube videos and free resources but that is only going to take you so far…

What do I mean when I say up-skilling? Up-skilling refers to investing in honing your businesses existing skills to fill current and future needs.

Growing your skillset in areas you don’t overly enjoy or that you’re not naturally drawn to, will change the way you approach each task. In my business right now there are so many things I’ve had to learn to do myself to help reduce my expenses. While it’s challenging at first and I feel like my head is going to explode from cramming in so much training in such a short period of time I’m also so grateful now that I’ve expanded my skill set.

For example, I now know how to edit all my own video content, which is an absolute game changer in my business. After reaching out to several video editors and considering outsourcing all of this, which would have cost me thousands, I can now quickly edit all my own video content. I have a process to follow and through practice, I can turn around the video editing so quickly, plus it’s a bonus that I no longer dread doing it.

I have also found that by learning all the ins and outs of my business operations I can appreciate and understand the specific requirements of each task. As a solopreneur, it can be a big benefit for us to up-skill across various facets of our business before we look to outsource or hire staff.

Here are a few key ways you can look at scaling your skills to meet the needs of your business:

– Leverage online courses and learn from industry pro’s
– Get professionally educated and qualified
– Incorporate business books and podcasts into your daily routine – I share some of my top favourites in our monthly bite-sized tips email so keep an eye out for that
– I couldn’t not mention our Golden Brands membership. This is the platform I wish I had when I started each and every one of my now 4 businesses. It is everything I know small business owners need to succeed 
– Invest in a business coach, mentor, or accountability partner. Whatever option you choose having someone to support you is essential!
A Golden Success Business Conference at The Calile Hotel

A Golden Success Conference 2025 | The Calile Hotel, Brisbane

What an incredible day we had at A Golden Success Business Conference last week at The Calile Hotel in Brisbane! Surrounded by over 100 passionate women in business from across Australia and New Zealand, like-minded industry experts, and a lineup of powerhouse speakers, it was an incredible day filled with learning, inspiration, and genuine connections.

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Develop a Personal Brand to grow your Business!

Yesterday in the Golden Brands membership, we had the pleasure of hosting Kat Elizabeth, a personal branding coach from Magnetic Brand Co. She shared invaluable insights on growing a personal brand, and I wanted to pass on a few of the golden nuggets I took away from our conversation.

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When should I start paying myself in Business?

Hands up if you are a small business owner who really doesn’t enjoy the accounting side of running your business? 🙋 Managing finances is a critical aspect of running a successful business, and two key elements of this are determining when and how much to actually pay yourself, and knowing when to reinvest in your business.

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Making your first $100k in business!

Let’s talk about a big goal that many of us have on our entrepreneurial journey – hitting that first $100k in business. It sounds like a dream, right? But it’s more achievable than you might think. I’m going to share some real talk about what it takes to get there. No fluff, just straight-up actionable advice.

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