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The Best Email Marketing Software for Small Businesses?

One question I get asked frequently is "what email marketing software are you using to create such beautiful emails?" - the answer is Flodesk!

One question I get asked frequently is “what email marketing software are you using to create such beautiful emails?” – the answer is Flodesk!

Having now tried so many different email marketing platforms, I keep coming back to Flodesk and for good reason. Not only is it super easy to use, it’s affordable and it has such great features for creative service based business owners.

It is a go-to within the Golden Brands community for our members and the platform I’ll continue to recommend to other small business owners – regardless if you are just starting out or several years into your business journey.

We use Flodesk for everything – from our sign up forms, pop up’s on our website, email sequences, and of course our general monthly emails that go out to our list. Email marketing has been the number one way we have made sales at Golden Brands to date. I put a lot of time and effort into our emails to ensure that we are not only delivering value but that we continuing to share what’s happening BTS at Golden Brands. The real, raw and honest look behind growing a business is what we know our community love to hear about.

Flodesk has truly made generating sales far easier in Golden Brands. I use it on a daily basis and it has truly been one of the best investments I’ve made for the business!

Typically each month I’ll send out three emails to our list – our bite-sized tips monthly email (which normally includes free resources), a personal update and a monthly announcement email (which might include details for our upcoming events or something exciting we are working on to support small business owners).

My contractor also now uses it to help me with our members emails which she can quickly whip together with our templates. There is also a new feature in Flodesk which now allows you to share your templates with other business owners. This could be really helpful if you’re a graphic designer, social media manager or coach looking at different ways you can support your clients.

A few of the features that I love in Flodesk:

  • Email segmentation features (you can put your audience into specific groups and make sure they are only getting emails relevant to them)
  • Email design capabilities like a drag-and-drop email builder along with so many stunning templates to choose from
  • Ability to design beautiful landing pages (perfect if you don’t yet have a website!)
  • Flodesk can also take online payments, and instant product delivery—all in one place. This is ideal for those of you who sell online digital products! 

The main draw card for us is the beautiful templates. Having attempted to create my own templates using other email marketing software like Active Campaign or ConvertKit, I felt like I was getting absolutely no where. After hours and hours spent on the platform I still couldn’t get my templates looking quite right. Flodesk have dozens of beautiful templates for creative business owners and they are all able to be customised and branded to suit your business. If you are confident using Canva then you won’t have any issues with customising the templates within Flodesk. There is bound to be a template that suits your business needs that requires little to no customisation – besides updating brand colours and fonts etc.

Through Flodesk you can also set up ‘workflows’. What this means is that when someone opts into your email list – through a lead magnet for example, you can then set up a series of emails that are sent out automatically over a period of days/weeks or months. We have about five different lead magnets currently running for Golden Brands. Each lead magnet has a landing form that I can direct people to, in order to download the free resource. Once a new email subscriber is added to our email list I then have a workflow set up to send out 5-6 emails over a few months to tell them more about Golden Brands and to also provide more information to help them with the resource they’ve downloaded. All this gets done automatically!

All the analytics that you need are also included in Flodesk. I normally do a quarterly report for Golden Brands to assess where the business is at, what’s working and what isn’t working. As part of that process I dive deep into our email analytics. This is super easy to access and understand through Flodesk. I look at the delivery rate of emails, our email list growth, best times of day to send emails and what emails are getting the best click through rates. This information is really helpful for crafting future emails, especially during our launch periods.

For those of you who are just starting out in business and don’t yet have your website up and running Flodesk will be perfect for you! As you have the option to create stand alone landing pages to help grow your email list without needing your own domain! Flodesk creates a unique domain link for your landing pages that you can direct people too.

QUICK TIPS – for getting started with Flodesk

  • Make sure to segment your list right from the get-go. It is much harder to do this as time goes on and your email list grows!
  • As a minimum I’d recommend having a welcome email sequence set up so that when someone new joins your list they are getting at least 3-4 emails where you can share more about your business and what you offer
  • Don’t ghost your email subscribers! Make sure you are sending our frequent emails
  • Remember people love hearing from real people. Don’t be afraid to share personal updates and what is happening in your business. Keep it real and authentic
  • If you only use CHATGPT to write your emails it is going to become very obvious (and likely really boring to read)
  • The key with a great emails is to use a really good subject line to hook your audience in
  • Don’t be afraid to use imagery and gifs in your emails to help break up all the text

If you’d like to check it out for yourself – we have a 50% off discount code you can use for your first year. The code is GOLDENBRANDS or simply use this link here to sign up.

You won’t regret it!

For most other email software providers the price increases as your email list grows – this isn’t the case with Flodesk. So you can have peace of mind that the price will remain the same regardless of how much your business grows.

The business has also been founded by two women and they have an incredible responsive customer service team – which we love!

If you’re inside the Golden Brands membership make sure to check out our Flodesk Tutorial and email marketing masterclass with Kylie Kelly from the Email Growth Club. We also have resources to help you create your lead magnets and welcome sequences too.

If you’d like to get out some of our Flodesk forms and get on our email list you can download some of our FREEBIES below ⬇️




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