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Are you ready to turn your Business Vision
into a Golden Success?

The Golden Brands membership is the only way to gain access to our exclusive members community, business education, coaching and resources across our five key business pillars for success – Business Foundations, Mindset, Marketing, Money and Operations.

I’m giving you all our tools and templates for you to take immediate action in your business.

This is a collaborative community like no other!

Doors to our membership, ‘The Golden Brands Collective’, are currently open for the next week only! 

Hi, I’m Lisa.

Founder of Golden Brands Collective, mum to 2 small children, wife to one husband, obsessed with anything beige (art, clothes, cushions, books…brands 😮)

and someone with three successful businesses under my belt. 

But despite reaching six figures in my last business, it wasn’t all champagne, confetti and the heart-feels I imagined it’d be.

And that’s because I often felt lost. 

I was alone, without any sense of belonging, and trying to navigate the highs, lows and major decisions of business by myself. 

And that was pre 2020. 

Over the past few years I’ve noticed the shift: business owners are more disconnected than ever.

Zoning out watching our screens, commenting on random business IG posts of people we’ve never met, and hoping for a connection that’s more meaningful than Kevin632 sliding into our DMs with “Hey sweetie…”

Not that desperate, Kevin632. 

So when I sold my last business, I knew this was the gap I needed to fill in people’s lives. 

People like me.

The kinda space I wished I had the last few years: to connect, learn, grow and have a team of cheerleaders to hold me accountable and make sure I keep showing up.

Inside Golden Brands you’ll find 


Monthly Masterclasses covering key topics across our five core business pillars for success: Business Foundations, Mindset, Marketing, Money, and Operations.


Exclusive access every month to our live expert guest speaker, group coaching and Q&A zoom sessions.

Business Templates

Instant access to a growing library of business templates (budgets, business plan, client onboarding document, social media planners plus more!)

Video Tutorials

Video Tutorials to guide you through our favourite systems and marketing tools (including FB and Google Ads).

Networking Events + Co WORKING DAYS

Plus you'll get first dibs and members discounts for our on in-person event tickets!


Discounts and incredible offerings from our directory vendors and affiliates to help support you in your business.

Private Group

Invitation to join our online private FB Group community. The place to network, collaborate and promote your business.

1:1 Business Support

Access to me through Voxer every month! And my 10 years of learnings and experience.

We know how to help creatives + service-based small biz owners take action to create authentic success

Golden Brands quotations

Action is the foundational key to all success – Pablo Picasso

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